
Turning Points


The balance of your world is changing and there is no doubt that you are quite aware of this fact.

Many of you are concerned about your livelihood and this means your jobs. While your internet via electronics serve s to unite it also separates you from personal contact. Now is the time to breakthrough and reach out to friends and neighbors in your local community if you have not done so already.

We know that many of you have. For those that have not we invite you to meet with a neighbor or an old friend in your local area. For those of you who meet with others in your local area we encourage you to step out a step further and say hello to a stranger.

Some of you have called this radical friendliness. We invite you to do so because in the weeks and months ahead you can take solace in this community for love and support. It is a way to count your blessings and stretch yourself for another.

You are at a delicate juncture point in your history. The energy of relationship partnership and the binding energies of manifestation in relationship are with you now. The old structures of the BOSS telling you what to do are over, and you must make steps to say goodbye to the old way and bring in the new.

This is the way of love and community.


The Twelve.


New All Inclusive Blog is Here

The new blog includes insights, advice, lots of free stuff and Channeling from The Twelve as well as astrology. Hope you enjoy it.


Resurfacing Wounds


Many of you may be feeling old illnesses, problems, patterns of behavior, and even triggers re-surfacing with greater vigor and frequency. This is the new re-griding of your planet sending you messages. The messages are:

  • The coding of the patriarchy is in the cellular behavior of your biology and in your DNA.
  • All that belongs to patriarchy energy that no longer serves you as individuals and peoples and in your planetary community is up for review
  • The patriarchy energy inside you comes via ingraining thinking, emotions and actions that are maladaptive to your current reality and are manifesting as aberrations, diseases and dysfunctional behaviors
  • Your Galactic Community (We are included) are here to support and guide you through purging processes directly or through hosts such as Ontario


The New Grid - Reconfigured and Connectivity


For some time now as We are sure you have been aware a new planetary grid is forming. This is happening because the Spirit of your planet is opening to the possibility of you connecting to Earth/Gaia Spirit and to each other in new dynamic ways of love and higher consciousness.

Much preparation is needed and much is being done to create a wave of light to carry you through the night of one year through a transformational time when you need to release parts of the Father's structure in you and replace it with the equality inherent in cooperation's song. Yes the hierarchical structure that once worked so well can no longer be tolerated and is being destroyed no matter how firm your grasp is to hold on.

We and other Ascended Ones including your personal Spirit Guides, Teachers and other helpers are here to assist you with your release and augmenting the light when you connect with another.

Random connections will cease and you will feel the love. Old loves separated by lifetimes will be reunited. Soul connections will be made. There is work to be done in the name of love and cooperation with one another, with trees and plants, with animals, rocks and the elements and your planet Earth as a single being of Great Consciousness!



Love from the Pasts and Saturated in the Present

NOTE: According to astrologer Jeffery Wolf Green - the information came to me via one of his students. During the transition from the matriarchy to the patriarchy all those that were incarnate at that particular time had the same Uranus nodal configuration as those born from 1930 to the present. In other words we were all alive assisting the transition from the matriarchy to the patriarchy.

Now we are helping with the transition of the patriarchy to the partnership paradigm


The Love from the previous world - the fourth world (the mother realm) is now available for healing of your fifth world that you view as the out of control father - simplified for this communique.

In this in-between time where you have not clearly defined the new energies that exisit all around you dimensions are being rewoven. Humans as a species are calling out from the heart for a new order of being and relating in your world. This new order is far from being recognizable as institutions that can be recognized.

The Love that is emerging from the matriarchy is available for healing your past both as individuals and as a people in the effect the patriarchy. As you consciously feel the Love and utilize for your healing visions of the new relational world.


Honoring the Pasts


When we speak of honoring the past we do not mean only one past. There are many. Even the far distant pasts of the creation of your physical planet are recorded and held electromagnetically as a signature as a part of your personal grid. Your personal grid within the field that your humanness generates in conjunction with your planet can be organized and accessed.

This takes some doing and our host Ontario can assist you with this if you wish. The matrix of the past that has deposited you in this moment is remembered by you and re-organized to reflect the power system that you have inherited. You call it the patriarchy.

We speak of the power of Love that is the matriarchy. Open your heart and feel this great Love.

We will speak on this more soon.


The Importance of Breaks

Hi All,

I am returning from a break. The Guides (the Twelve) gave me a break from reporting on new info. This happened for 4 reasons:

1. I was tired from working too much and need rest
2. The Guides have informed me that higher parts of them and higher parts of myself were being re-organized.
3. I was being directed and supported to find out why the place I live is so special
4. I was being a shown a different way to heal myself and offer new healing pathways for others.

Many people, clients, students and friends have asked me about getting messages form Guides. I can tell you the basic tenets or ground laying needed to make a space for The Highest Guidance to enter.

Making a space for Guidance is very important. So often we live our lives from rote or habit and then expect magic to come to save us. We get tired of receiving the same message / lesson all the time and we come to see this as a burden. The same message or lesson is the universe's way of telling us we need to change, but perhaps our way of listening is filled with expectation we don't hear the message.

My Guides rarely use words to communicate. They communicate in impressions, the written word appears in my head, emotions come, scenarios appear and a dialog begins between me and the Guides. The result are these communiques that they have mandated for you through me.

In the blog entries to come I will be telling you the story of how I came to channel The Twelve and how you can channel Higher Guides if you wish.


Old Stuff Up to Cleanse

Last week the New Love arrived to push up old stuff: old patterns, old injuries, old hurts, old illnesses, new twists on old illnesses were all brought to the fore as a result of the new energies of Love. The Twelve are indicating that they have more specifics to say here.

(See below)

The New Energies of Love


The New Energies of Love, both from the Universe and from your Planet are in the process of integrating fully in you. This brings with it new thought forms in seed-like packets filled with new DNA and the relational energies of community.

This New Matrix of Energy has pushed all that doesn't belong to it so that all of your dysfunction and illness etc has welled up for you to examine and let go. Do what you must to release it, blessing and thanking it for carrying you here.

Your journey is now towards the Light. Yes!



Combining The Two Waveforms of Love

I have felt the new love. Its great.

Simply put one form of Love is the vibrational changes on the planet or in short the ascension process. The second form of love comes from the galaxy at large. The combination of these two forms is the new partnership culture in the making.

We provide the key for integrating and interpreting the new relational energy.

First begin with a grounding and running energy through your nine chakras.

Activate your third eye, second chakra and heart chakra. Blend the energy of your third eye with your heart chakra. Blend the energy of your second chakra with your heart chakra.

Through your breath allow your heart chakra to open the the new elements of love in the air, the clouds and mountains with the in-breath. And then breath out. Then on your next in-breath allow the new elements of love from Earth to flow through your heart and then breath out. Alternate each energy nine times and then the tenth breath breath both in at the same time.

Experiencing the New Love


You have by now begun to experience the power the the love of Earth combining with the Greater Love emanating from your galaxy.

With the combination of these two new kinds of love in relationship you can begin to integrate their matrices into your corporeal bodies.

We have given our host, Ontario a method to assist you with this.





Embrace boldly the new love and prosper you will.



Preparing for The New Burst of Love


As the dimensions are currently shifting there are many opportunities for each of you especially in regard to the upcoming gateway to the Higher Reality Vibration of Love.

[Note: The burst of love will begin fully on 8/15 and reach its peak on 8/20]

The Higher Reality Vibration of Love is new to your planet. For this reason you may not fully understand its significance and /or be ready to embrace and receive it fully. Because this is a new energy a new way of experiencing love you will be resistant. It is very important to go inside yourself to discover what the sources of your resistance. One way to grasp all the nuances of your resistances is to look at your little fears. What have you always wanted and not allowed yourself to have.

If you desire to win a Lottery of great money and have fantasies of what you are wanting to do with this great money for example you have found a resistance. You are letting money stop you from fulfilling your vision. The new energy supports relationship energy based on the exchange of love and from your relationship with your self, your planet earth Gaia, and with plants, animals and each other.

This is a change. By working with your resistances now you can promote a better flow of manifestation in your life by aligning yourselves with the new Higher Vibrational Energies of Love.



A Time for Miracles


Now is a time for miracles. During this time (Aug 6-11) the groundswell of love we have spoken about - the frequency shift of your planet and the ascending frequency of both your star system and the greater galaxy are combining to merge all interdimensional realities with one another.

What this does in terms of your physical realities are shifts that last less than a second as as long as a minute or two. Disappearances could result. Spontaneous healings taking two forms. One form is death of the physical body, the second form poses many variations. One variation is the return of "diseases" that may have seemed to have vanished ready to be healed by you. Another variation is spontaneous cures or healings.

It is important for you to acknowledge your fears and let them go into the Light. Secondly make an intention for what you wish to create in your life. It is during a MERGING such as this one that miracle seeds are either planted and/or brought to fruition in this time of miracles.



Connects and Disconnects


Many of you have been experiencing disconnects and new connections. Sometimes the connections seem magical. Sometimes the disconnects are minor irritants and at other times great sadness is the result.

If you are not feeling disconnects or connects you may be amongst the humans travelling on automatic which is the natural state or the human condition. The waking sleep acts to protect and put you in sleepwalking mode simultaneously. Once aware of the waking-sleep humans must constantly strongly motivate to rise out of this state.

When you are experiencing many disconnects - making an assumptions that do not produce the desired results - then opportunities abound for examination of your reality and transformations. Disconnects may portend that you are not connected to the changing reality of increased vibration or you may be repeating the same actions and expecting a transforantive result. The solution to disconnects are many. They require an examination of you in the contexts of others ranging from your parents to your current social group. In your examination look for patterns of beliefs, behaviors, emotions and opinions/thoughts that continually produce irritating or painful results. This is an examination of your three centers that reside in you - thoughts, beliefs, opinions - 3rd eye, emotions - heart area, habits of the body - near and around your naval area can reveal the sources of your problems. Vigorous removal of these old patterns is required and when finished the Higher Self or Higher Aspects of yourself can supply you with replacement beliefs, actions and suggestions for new ways of emotional beingness.

Connects are just as important as disconnects and can occur in ways that serve as a wake-up call for joy, love and a way to embrace the disconnects. Connects produce love on many levels. Because the natural state of the the human is the swifty flowing river of waking sleep connects require attention to create the opportunity for them to come into being. If energy is not expended to create the space for connects and you expect them to occur you create a space for disappointment and disconnect. The flow of the river of waking sleep is swift and will always take you away when you least expect it.

Bring on the awareness space of connection and you will be inside the Love!!!



Groundswell of Love and Oneness


The frequency inside your planet Earth is now in the process of matching the outside frequency. As this happens a new membrane is opening so that your planet is literally entering a rarefied space. This is the space where the DNA sequencing will begin to join the current DNA strands in your bodies. This in turn will begin to produce evolotionary leaps within your species.

Women who are pregnant with child will be carrying a new species of human and will produce evolutionary advanced beings. And there are those amongst you now that are receiving the new gene that will enable you to begin to communicate with many sentient beings outside your solar system and galaxy.

Some of you will receive "seemingly" miraculous healings of diseases that were heretofore incurable. Some cancers will disappear and some autoimmune diseases will as you say - go into remission. (laughter) This will be a healing.



NOTE - timing of Sun and Love

August 6th is the first opening in the shift of great light coming into the planet.

From 8/6 energy builds until 8/15.

Energy Peaks between 8/15 and 8/21

8/24 Love saturates Earth and Moon (Aquarian Energy on-full)

9/4 Spirit finds manifestation in the ordinary world.

On August 15th the energy of universal love and personal love blends. A re-wiring of the divine feminine and masculine in each gender will occur beginning on August 15th building to August 21st. All the new DNA strands that are in our outer auric fields will begin to blend with the physical and start to be incorporated according to the Twelve.

Ascension: Love and the Sun


You have many reasons to rejoice. While you may be concerned over immediate problems such as your day to day this soon will change as you are in the context of change.

Many of you have heard that 2012 represents a time of ascension, that it is an end time [laughter]. Many of you are being dramatic to think that there is an "end time". There can be no end time without a new beginning. The end times are now and yes they are concurrent with new beginnings. Endings and beginnings are occurring with increasing frequency.

The ascension is now in full vibrational range that is affecting your consciousness in a FANTASTICALLY JOYOUS manner!!!

The heart of the universe is light. This light has been activated fractally in your Sun as it has been activated in all Suns. The light of the Sun is analogous to the beating of your heart which in turn produces love. It is only your mind or ego that blocks this love from reaching its full potential.

The Sun in your galaxy is expanding it's light in the summer months of your Northern Hemispheres and in the winter months in your southern hemisphere. This light is universal love being delivered to you in a personal way through these seasonal extremes.

Embrace this love and allow your humanity to blend and change yourselves in new and wondrous heart shaped ways. The beams of energy that brought you the Solstice timed shifts are bringing in MORE LOVE to each of you to embrace into the Oneness that is you.



Swirls and The Universal Still Point


The work that you have done on yourselves both individually and collectively in addition to the rising vibrational frequency of your planet that has allowed the vortex of your solar system and galaxy to expand into a swirl for the purpose of accessing the Universal Still Point.

The Universal Still Point "sits" in access of the Akashic records, and all knowledge.



Swirls and Vortexs


Your world is made up of the vortex. Your chakras are vortexes. The energy field around your body is a vortex.

There are energy centers on your planet that are vortexes.

Since the vibrational energy of your planet is ascending/increasing some of the vortexes have loosened into swirls of energy. If you find that you have been feeling disoriented and /or scattered more than usual your vortex field may have entered a swirl process.

Swirls loosen and change the electrical signature of your field so that your vibration can hold more energy and /or more information is being downloaded from higher sources into the higher parts of yourself. The many shifts that have happened as we have already relayed to you through our host may bring up illness as purging agents for what is no longer uiseful in your body.

Those of you that are having your electrical signature widened and changed to receive downloads may begin to access this information in a number of ways. One way is through a closed-eye meditation, asking yourself open-ended questions or making a space for magic to interject through dreams and intuitive points or breakthrough and cultivating these spaces by acting on the information that you receive to further your vibration.

We caution you to follow the guidelines of asking yourself:

By relaying information to yourself for yourself - make sure you are not harming yourself by receiving this download or ask yourself if you are ready to receive the information.

If you are relaying information to another human being, do you have permission from that being? If so is the person ready to receive the information? Will the information harm the other person or yourself? If you perceive that you or the being is not ready to receive the information or that harm will come DO NOT share the information.



Time and The Still Point


When humans "see" / experience still-point from an outside point-of-view the linear time line of past, present and future appears intact. However upon entering still-point time s you know it vanishes. Future and past cease to exist in the big smile of present time.

Still-point can still be experienced by your linear time based ego but this can feel disorienting. Present time is all that is and is similar to smiling always. All emotions can be felt ranging from positive to negative and these emotional states can be held in love and this creates big smiles and the wink of knowing. As soon as you desire to remain in this realm of the expanded present you will most likely leave because desire is an ego based anticipatory drive that creates attachment. Attachment creates illusion and ejects the ego back into linear-time based reality and out of still-point.

Our host can help you to access still-point.



More on Still-Point


Our host neglected to include in the explanation of still-point that it is juncture between two of your three centers (mind, emotion/heart, moving/physical) and your Higher Spiritual Self as it connects to all possibilities of the universe.

By cultivating still-point within you have the possibility of mastering your life and accessing greater light - including the nonattachment of enlightenment.


The Still Point

Revealed from the Twelve - translated by me (Ontario)

The Still-Point is the juncture between the void and everything. Almost every living being has a still-point and there are still-points that exist independently in space and may be the combination of the energies of 3 black holes.

Still-points are gateways to artificially created worm-holes which are used both as rapid travel from point A to C and for literal time travel. Time travel that does not use still-points creates alternate realities and disturbs the time sequencing RNA and some DNA strands. When RNA and DNA is knocked out of time the physical and psychological effects can be devastating allowing the body to phase out and in of the current space-time. Still-points allow worm holes to return the time traveller to the same reality and resets the RNA and DNA sequencing.

Still-points are also useful to balance consciousness, help create a neutral witness self and allow time travel through consciousness.

Purging the Old Part 3 - Resistance as Fuel


Today we wish to speak to you the value of resistance as a positive force in your transformation in this ascending process.

What is resistance?

When a current of electricity is conducted through a passage the laws of entropy governs the transformation of the current into heat. This is the basic definition of resistance. Two results happen when the current is initiated: one is the passage of the current and, two is the heat created by effect if the passage.

When you apply your braking system in your automobile - you stop your vehicle and heat is created by the friction wear of the brakes. In all transformations of energy where manifestation occurs resistance is present.

On the human scale resistance that is unexamined or unconscious becomes fuel for negative or fear based manifestations. When this happens the destruction of the patriarchal system is accelerated.

Once you begin to apply awareness to your actions and notice resistances in yourself you can begin to use the energy created in resistance to create deeper awareness which in-turn create the basis for both honoring your foundations while creating new molds for the pouring of a new foundation.

It is only when you clearly see the actions and resistances you make that a still-point can be discovered.

We will discuss the still-point again soon, or you may contact our host and in this way we may assist you in accessing your still-point.




Purging the Old Part 2


Many of you are on he edge of expectation, frustrated both with the old and for the change, even bored...

These emotions are from the old way and tend to push your perceptions to examine the gross elements of the change. Unfortunately your point of view is human and too close to observe the gross differences of the new reality. In the words of our host:

"Stop looking for the Hollywood Special Effects of the changes."

What is required is a fine tuning of both your emotional and mental bodies so that you can see what surrounds you. While the love has been with you always, it is vibrating at a higher rate making actionable alliances and communities that much more possible.

Therefore - WAIT - and while exercising your patience let go of the crumbling bits of your frustration and boredom with the great love at your fingertips and in your heart.


NOTES on Purging the Old

Of course I recommend my services as a healer / shaman to assist you through this time.

For the Body:
Massage Therapists
Shiatsu Massage Therapists
Reiki Masters
Cranial Sacral Therapists
to name a few

For the Mind:
Spiritual Advisors

For the Heart:
Mind-Body work
Grief and Forgiveness Work
Native Rituals

Purging the Old


This phase of the New World may have brought up symptoms of old injuries, diseases, patterns of behaviors and emotional destructive cycles that you thought were long gone, buried, done and completed. Some of you may be having pain in your extremities wrists, hands, fingers or calves, ankles, feet and toes. Envy, jealousy, extreme frustration, rage and old grief may also surface now.

Work to let these manifestations of what is no longer required and part of the resitance that your mind, body, heart holds. Holding on in this way are fragments of fear that you are working through. Create rituals of release. If you need assistance our host can offer suggestions.

Once released ask for continual alignment with the new energy. Ask your higher self to deliver a new healthy pattern from the collective of love in your social matrices. Fasting or modified diets may be useful at this time to help purge the old and negative from your systems.

Soon We will have more information for you to digest.



A Note about this shift

Since the Shift on the Solstice (6/20-21) the number of earthquakes worldwide has increased.


Higher Love


Welcome to The New Reality.

The third DNA strand is integrating into the genetic social matrix of your culture. Phase one is completed and you are feeling the New Community in the making. Earth / Terra / Gaia has responded and has made an enormous quantum leap into the new paradigm of mutual cooperation.

There are those that resist. You need only look at the nations of the world where armed conflict is still a creed and see the parts of yourselves still in resistance to the changes that have been established. The frequencies of Earth- Terra are raising every three hours or less. Before this latest shift the frequency raising was only occurring in 12 hour cycles.

Hearts are opening Love is expanding to meet the needs.



Note on the New Shift Opening

The times building up to Saturday night /Sunday morning brings all that stands in the way of our light to the surface to be released. On Sunday and the days that follow we will be living in a new energetic universe. If you feel obstacles go to the place you feel them. In your body for instance and talk to the part of your body that's troubling, ask what it wants - remember the answer doesn't often come in English - sometimes an image for interpretation, a hunch. By turning away or shrinking from an obstacle you make it negative. Whether positive or negative its is always a choice. The universe is now supporting a new world and how much we accept it or reject it will determine how much we suffer or rejoice.


Double to Teriary Helix Evolving


You are all familiar with the double helix of the DNA strand. The shift of this season unfolding as we speak. The double helix has a third spirit strand manifesting evolutionary DNA.

This new strand of DNA is allowing new evolutionary elements to enter your world and become the foundation of a new community that will cement its foundations in your Solstice season.



The Turning Has Begun


Many of you have begun to feel the massive opening whose forces are now in the process of opening. This is a shift of enormous power and a way of turning the old way under as in plowing and readying a field for new seed and a new crop.

Reality of old is being plowed under and all your realities and worlds are turning so that the new species in your evloution is being born within you.


NOTE - a progression from 5/4

The twelve began speaking of The New World on 5/4. Since that time we have been building towards a massive opening of energy that comes in late June to early July. for more info read blog entries on 5/4, 5/7, 8, 9 and on 5/15 & 16, as well as 5/24, & two entries on 5/28 --- and the last entry on 6/1


Resetting Your Bio-Clock


Many worlds have joined together so that now the new intensity that is being experienced by all is two-fold.

Your biological clock is being reset to incorporate the synthesis of the new worlds and to incorporate new DNA from the galactic core and central Sun.

The effects of resetting your clock are disruptions in your sleep patterns as well as hormonal anomalies - particularly felt in female menstrual cycles.

More on this soon!


Pressure Again (smiles)


This period of grace is good because amidst the grace is increasing pressures for change of the old ways!

Soon you will feel the pressure building once again. When grace is introduced into your thinking and emotional states, then pressure may be experienced as excitement for the new. Try not to get stressed when the pressure builds for the changes to come.

These changes are rapid.

New World Opening Phase 2


Many have already felt the changes. These include energy boosts, shift changes, thinning of the veil between realities and dimensions. Increasing each of you is seeking or sensing - in short perceiving that for every action that you make it affects the other.

Rejoice you are seeing the dance of the web of beings in the light. It is your species that both generates the light and is in a greater light. Various openings create periods of grace such as a hand extended out to the mutual need. Need is always mutual. When you need there is another you joins your need to fulfill it.

the world of cooperation and community are unfolding and a new kind of mutually support economy is unfolding to support your needs.




Pressure is building as the new world opens. Relief comes soon. You are doing so well with all the shifts and changes.



Worlds Coalescing Part 4


You may have wondered what have happened to "Worlds Coalescing Parts 2 and 3" they have coalesced [smiles and laughing].

Now former worlds that no longer exist on your corporeal plain are coming together in groups of four and blending with this current world. Those of you from these former worlds may notice new levels of reality "popping" into existence and your ordinary reality may seem more vivid alive and intense.

Those of you who are from worlds that continue to occupy the same corporeal reality or have spent lives on other worlds will notice greater intensity and feelings of a one world community now forming


Worlds Coalescing


Spirits of four planets that have supported life like yours have combined with the Spirit of your Earth - Terra. Feel the new life and the new world opening!


A Calling


We now wish to speak with you about grace.

When you let go of the temporary desires that give you momentary pleasures. These are the pleasures that your desires seek more of as if you were an empty vessel that constantly needed filling. Let go of this need and feel the wonder, awe and beauty of the Light that is constantly within you.

When you step into your core self if only for a moment and feel the sacredness of your life and all the life that surrounds you in any given moment grave enters.

Now is the time for release so that you can feel the calling into grace. Receive this blessing and give it to others from your heart. This will help you see the community of love that is always with you and opens the door to a new world




In your world many of your old ways of being are coming to an end. If you find yourself in distress over these losses we advise rituals of release and grieving to make way for the exciting possibilities that are opening now in your world.

Alignment of your three major centers (physical, mental and emotional) to higher aspects of yourself is the first step. As you renew mental processes - break old habits replacing with new ones, let go of emotion in the moment and renew the physical on a cellular level by talking - thinking and loving your cells aging slows down and in some cases may reverse some too.

This is just the beginning of the possibilities opening now. While you align with higher centers in you Earth and your star - you call Sun align with galaxy hub and central core creating opening for higher channeling of info from other beings like yourself and from us directly.


Shifts as Rapid as Rain


Now and for a time to follow the intensity on your planet is great. Many smaller shifts are disrupting your current reality to supplant new DNA chains that you will need to connect with one another for a variety of purposes and functions both as individuals and within groups.

The specialist amongst you will be more finely attuned to messages from higher realms and will be receiving downloads of massive amounts of archaic information pertinent to your current planetary situation as well as higher mathematics of atmospheric corrections needed if your biosphere will continue to renew herself for human life at its optimal levels. Other specialists will translate the above info into new technologies to begin the corrections which are already underway - more are coming. Other specialists will allow new connections within groups that will allow polarized communities and nations to find peaceful solutions to old problems and new ones.

There is more and it will be provided to you soon.



New World Opening


A new world is opening.

Finer energies are everywhere. Communities and individuals within communities are connecting in a more dynamic process that connects your paycheck-survival chakra to your community-integrative chakra and imbues it with human and divine love.

[note - the paycheck to paycheck survival chakra is the 2nd chakra having to do with chi energy. The community integrative chakra is the throat about transformation and giving and receiving]


Creative Chaos


As humans the concept of chaos often brings fear because to the ego this represents loss of control something wild and unpredictable. Your reality follows a chaos pattern and when you allow yourself to be fluid you can match parts of your being with the chaos and allow exciting new possibilities to arise and become incorporated into your ego framework for better living.

We bring this up now because the next few days bring higher degree of chaos into your world. Those of you that can flow more closely to this flow will co-create your universe with the larger forces and you may even experience fun. The more rigid of you mainly your larger institutions such as governments will experience minor breakdowns and reactions in a higher number than the destabilized norm.

Look for minor breakdowns and reactions in yourself and release surrender - laugh out loud. Chaos is creative.



Finer Energies


In the midst of great changes on your planet at this time - energies are separating and recombining creating a refinement of energies.

Many natural vortexes and sacred nature sanctuaries are producing refined energies - light and harmonically complex. There are those among you that may now be drawn to these geographical special areas. Be light and open there are special messages being transmitted to you.

Upon reception wait seven days meditate and retrieve the information. Transmit to others and rejoice!




I have been down with flu for the last two weeks. Am feeling better - but not quite 100% yet. Thanks for your patience,


Energies Divided


Old energies are being divided from the new energies so you may more clearly see them.

Upon recognition actions are required. This means a kind of "spring cleaning" of old habits replaced by new actions in the spirit of embracing dual natures mainly of opposite (light-dark, active-receptive, male-female) within you.





As humans in your world it is important to rest.

To slow down into the rhythm of rest sit with trees and feel their energy. Rest of this peaceful kind will allow you more opportunities to complete your missions.



Feel the Love and Send it Out


Many of you may be feeling Great Love pulsing through your bodies. If this is so let it flow. Send it out along the new grid of reality forming with the intention that it go out for healing. Once this intention is made by you watch it leave. This will be healing for you as well and will align you to the new energies more swiftly.

Notice where the flow is blocked in your body. Send love to dissolve the blockage.

If you are not feeling the pulse of Great Love within you hold the intent that flow flow through you. Let go of your grief, your anger and other negative emotions so that you may feel the flow. Make the intention to feel the flow.



Love and Shadow


Often times when humans choose love and the joy that accompanies love there is an immense attachment to all the positive emotions.

This is wonderful.

To complete the transition to the new world humans often leave out what they don't wish to see or the negative within yourselves. In the world of psychology this is called the dark shadow. Love is often excluded from this area of your consciousness because it is often denied, and forgotten and therefore forced into unconscious acts and behaviors etc.

Even if you are not specifically area of all the parts of your dark shadow it is important to at least you the magnificent powers of your mind to make a concept or symbolic representation of your dark shadow without judging its content and apply love.

Our host, Ontario says this is like spreading peanut butter over bread. In the microscopic and subatomic recesses of the bread are invisible substances that could represent your dark shadow and love is the peanut butter.

Spread the love.



Reach Out with Love


Feel the Joy and Expand!

Reach out to those you love and forgive.
Call out and talk to your long lost friends.

Be the community of love.



More on New Reality Pockets


New Reality pockets having been forming. Many of you may have connected with these pockets. Each of the pockets of new reality connect to other pockets and have a connecting element, This element is the emotion love which engenders peace, receptivity and compassion.

To experience a new reality pocket you may choose to alter your current reality by radically changing your routine through a disruption. When experiencing the disruption do not let yourself automatically go to fear. Instead breathe and choose to raise your vibration by grounding and running energy to the center of the universe*.

Once you have grounded and run energy use an imaging metaphor of removing your raincoats (personas) of negativity, judgments and so on until you have changed your vibration to a positive or neutral.


Breathe in the peace and love that is already around you - your ego defines this so let your ego un-define peace and love as much as is possible.

Listen for the strands of feeling that is in your memory. See all those you have loved and lost. Re-connect to those that have touched your heart as long as in that reconnecting you do not hurt your heart in the process.

Dream and Vision based on this connection and co-create one pocket of the new reality with another. Look to the attributes of the twenty portals to assist you if you wish.


* See me, Ontario, for the Ascending Grounding Exercise if you don't already have it


Reality Pockets


Your planet is receiving glimpses into alternate sustainable reality of a particular sharp frequency of 20 to 60 seconds in duration. Look for them in meditative states.

One kind of meditative state is driving your automobile as long as you do NOT listen to the radio, GPS or music.

Please send feedback to our host: Ontario.


Notes of a Variable Future - The Economy

Those of you you heard or who have received the CD on the State of the Earth back in January 09 the Guides have an update:

Greetings (Joint venture between Guides and Me knowledge combined with interpretations),

The slide in your economy that was predicted in your July is no longer happening. Because of the many reality shifts on your planet in this time of change a future of economic indicators is difficult to predict.

Nevertheless here is a new scenario:

The low spots in your economy are March, April and May
June, July and August are steady increases.

September and October shows difficulty (difficult to show which direction people will take)

If same direction as emotion mood now then:
November, December, into 2010 January and February shows a slide

March, April and May your housing market begins a recovery.

If difficulty in September and October are averted:
slide is less steep in November and December

Business outlook (especially new start-ups that offer environmentally compatible fuels and energy making alternatives) as well as new technologies begin sharp upward marks in January and continue to lead new economy. Housing markets begin recovery in March.

Ordinarily the Twelve don't speak in linear time frames such as days, months or years, In order to do this I "see" blocks of time in my being and ask the Guides to comment and this we have the joint venture as evidenced above.



The Guides have also indicated that the groups that you find yourself in whether it be a group of 3 to 22 (or any number group 3-5-7-9-11-12-13 and the 15-17-18-19-21-22s) we may put our intention forward that commerce increase and cooperate within and with out of that circle.

Groups of Action and the Twenty Portals

1 - Passionate birth
2 - Weaving and transmitting thought
3 - Womb of life – home
4 - Traveling seed bearer
5 - Sexual transformer
6 - Surrender, sacrifice
7 - Tender Intimacy – Give/Receive
8 - Kindness embracing all
9 - Grief/Joy becomes peace
10 - Companion Love
11 - Play
12 - Bounty
13 - Shapeshifter
14 - Shaman
15 - Seer
16 - A guide for passage through death
17 - Embracing Motion
18 - Igniting Truth, utilizing discernment
19 - Shedding Grief making Life
20 - Universal Love

Of the 20 Portals you will find that those of you who embody one or two of the portals will congregate to make the changes in the world as needed in the following groups or configuration:

Groups of 3
of the Numbers:
2 - Weaving and transmitting thought
3 - Womb of life – home
5 - Sexual transformer

Groups of
5 of the Numbers:
2 - Weaving and transmitting thought
3 - Womb of life – home
5 - Sexual transformer,
7 - Tender Intimacy – Give/Receive,
11 - Play,

Groups of 7 of the Numbers:
2 - Weaving and transmitting thought
3 - Womb of life – home
5 - Sexual transformer,
7 - Tender Intimacy – Give/Receive,
11 - Play,
13 - Shapeshifter
17 - Embracing Motion,

Groups of 9 of the Numbers:
1 - Passionate birth,
4 - Traveling seed bearer,
6 - Surrender / sacrifice,
8 - Kindness embracing all,
9 - Grief/Joy becomes peace,
10 - Companion Love,

12 - Bounty,
14 - Shaman,
15 - Seer

Breaking Open and Embrace

Greetings All,

A new reality is emerging in the midst of the dualistic balancing act your planet is undergoing. And while new realities continue to emerge and blossom this new one that has been taking shape in the last 24 hours (day) or so is one in which you can utilize the energies of to make economic opportunities open for you - perhaps.

There is much fear on your planet as a reaction to the varieties of collapses that have already occurred. For the gross manifestations of the new reality to appear and take root the old reality must be swept clean and clear. This as you are quite well aware is happening. For those of you who are working look and think about others in your community connection in threes, fives, sevens, nines, elevens, twelves and thirteens and forming new community connections. For those of you without a job or work. make yourself available in random ways in addition to the avenues where you are already seeking work so that you may be apart of the 3-5-7-9-11-12-13 and the 15-17-18-19-21-22s.

By imagining numbers of persons coming together to talk about and take action for new work opportunities both directly and visualized above then the new reality will begin to take root.


A Shift within A Shift - (a precognitive look ahead)

The following is a description of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and possibly Friday as a sample of something that's coming in April this year:


You may be feeling oft times followed by times when you feel perfectly aligned with universal forces. The extremes that are playing out now are in line with the duality in this shift and they are also a sample of what is coming later.

Think of something effervescent such as tablets or powder foaming in water. This effervescence is a "light" cleansing of all that is outworn non-functioning karma in you. The process is happening so quickly that many of you may feel out-of-balance or disoriented in time. This is happening with many of you now on a singular basis. Later your institutions and larger systems (eco-sphere, planet, solar system and galaxy) will receive a light effervescent cleansing, so be prepared and allow cleansing now.

Breathe and work to do deep cleansing of the root, chi or 2nd chakras as well as the birth, solar plexus and heart chakras.

Align with the higher forces and then go with the flow of all for four cycles of your day/night, rest and observe.


Forming a New Matrix

Greetings All,

The extremes that you have all been feeling and the work that all Lightworkers have been and are continuing to perform have created the space. The new grid of reality is taking place.

When this grid is in place it will supersede the old grid incorporating parts of the old. Then the new reality will form. In the meantime structures of your old reality that you see are disintegrating and of course this is worrisome for you.

Now are times for creating visions of how you will be responsible with you neighbor, friend and partners to help shape the vision for the formation of the appearance of the new reality on the new grid.



"Slate Clean"

Greetings All,

As a part of the dual reality shift that began a few days ago many of the negative prophesies have either been erased or completely re-written. Fear of future endings has been de-complied bit by bit. Such prophesy such as your Nostradamus is now gone. Other of your doom and gloom end of the world prophesies have been erased in the grand neutralizing.

There are many fears, but fear is always present went epochs change because not one of you knows what it will look like because you are all creating it together. Many of you you are conscious of the paradigm shift can guide, uplift, support and love the change as it shifts from blame and scapegoating actions to a web of interconnected individuals accountable for yourselves and showing the way through kind and loving actions for yourselves and others.

Now is the time to bring your creative powers to bear in creating the community based loving-kindness reality you wish to see. Begin with yourself and show the way by example.

Blessings of happiness to all

The New Dual Shift Weather is Intense

But we all know the shift weather has been extremely intense all week, but especially so in the last two days. I wouldn't be surprised if earthquake frequency has risen (have yet to check). The Guides have a message forthcoming that I have scribbled on a piece of paper awaiting transcription [soon]!


Look, Love and Gratefulness

Greetings All,

We invite you to look at your world.
It sustains, nourishes / feeds and supports you in great bounty and abundance.

Do you feel the Love that emerges from this world?

Allow yourself to FEEL it and SEE it.

Send some love to a tree or a mountain or a sea.
Send your love to a murderer and her/his victims.
Send love to your neighbor and your self.

Release all that you hold dear and feel your gratefulness for you home.

Then see what emerges.


Opposites and Your Middle Path


In the new shift begin to look for extremes or opposites within your own experience. This could be something as simple as feeling a bone weary tiredness of your physical body followed by a burst of energy. Or this could manifest as great excitement in your emotional center followed by that sinking hopeless feeling. Or you could have old thought patterns emerge in dream states where you confront failure while life brings you success.

These are the battles each of you has experienced and you may notice it now as the new shift begins.

You could say that the universe is challenging you to change by accentuating polar opposites in you. But change does not usually happen by adopting one opposite or the other, but by moving through. To move through a compassionate neutral place in your being is required. This stance of non-reaction funnels habitual actions away from the two polar opposites allowing the energy that fuels the extremes to vent.

Love creates peace and an opportunity for choice based on love.


Dual Reality makes 3rd Force


Never fear a new shift is forming.

A twin trail of opposite forces have appeared and are transversing your reality to bring in the next layer of the new realities forming in preparation for Ascension. This is good news. This next phase will begin to support what has been heretofore an invisible force in your world. It is unseen because it is the absence of a force that creates what may seem like magic to you - in short the creation of the neutral witness observe.

The incorporation of universal DNA is about to be assimilated into your being. As this happens you will be able to clearly stand in the middle of oppositions and find peace and balance. New alliances and communities will spring up everywhere. These are exciting times for you.

Reach out to others all around you and begin sharing as you work from the neutral place. In late month March you will integrate the final new universal DNA and the April New Reality creating feelings of Oneness and telepathy in all that can handle the new forces.



Did anyone feel the pop?

I woke up feeling refreshed after having not been able to sleep well for over a week. Normally I sleep 6 1/2 to 7 hours a night. This past week I was getting 4 to 6 hours. Last night I got a solid 8 hours and woke excited.

Buoyant about popping into a new reality. I'm sure the Guides will say something about it.


Throat Chakra and the New Community 2


What is the function of your throat chakra?

You have the obvious:
- For speaking - communication
- For ingestion of food
- Housing for part of your immune functions
- Separating your head from the trunk of your body

The New Economy based on the function of the Throat Chakra are embedded within the power of receiving and giving. To speak and communicate making sounds is giving. And speaking must be received in order to make a response otherwise you are lecturing-monologuing one another. Receiving communication ordinarily is auditory where ears shape the sound into impluses, but consider this:

The function of the throat is to receive sustance both from air entering the body into the lungs and the second line in the digestion process of transfering masticated food towards the digestive processes of the stomach. Receiving fuel.

By taking these functions into the economy of your daily life and your mutual survival based on the compassionate loving kindness a new kind of economy based on networking and cooperation is being established. The old economy of hierarchies, competition and survival based on "not enough" consciousness is still operating and that will continue despite the reality paradigm shift.

The new economy is based on this human conversation:

I receive and give love to support you as an equal and you do the same with me. Together we support one another and sustain our growth with a siustainable planet.

The Oneness - commentary

Separateness is an illusion that is held by The Oneness.

What does this mean?

We all seem separate. I am here at my computer typing, no one is in the house. If if there were someone here the space between us would separate us.

When I go to the void and shed my ego and experience nothingness - I am only aware of this when I return and I feel purged of superfluous parts. This brings a peace beyond words. When I shed my ego and become one with Spirit I feel the bliss of union and upon return I feel marvelous. The only experience that transcends the human gestalt is Consciousness.

When my "I" dissolves and an awareness enters there is Oneness. Oneness is all there is.

We ordinarily operate from ego. When we shift our point of view to include a wider referent mainly the Oneness and that everything that exists is within the Oneness. Then separateness, love, fear, bliss, anger, and peace are all held in the Oneness. If consciousness is Oneness and it is our essence - our soul which transcends the physical body then are we not consciousness pretending we are separate to perform a task within the bigger set of Consciousness?

Separateness is an illusion from the bigger wider point of view of Oneness and I need my ego to talk about this to understand it outside of the context of the biggest set. In other words if we were all inside the Oneness and without ego or self we wouldn't need a conversation to talk about Oneness and separateness because we would be the Oneness.

Oneness is a paradox from our ego separatist point of view. Shedding ego to experience Oneness allows us to hold seperateness inside the Oneness and return to ego for sharing.

Throat Chakra and the New Community


Those amongst you having problems with your throat are on the advanced team whose throat chakras are healing in alignment with the new matrix and a new economy based on cooperation and innovative solutions.

The new economy is a commerce based economy where competition though part of the equation becomes a scale of excellence and the health of the network and all its members are no more important than the other. In short the new system is based on mutual survival, prosperity and abundance for all.

We invite you to - how do you say - "get creative" with the network and cells within the network as support within business and government as well as within each of you.

We will speak more on this topic soon...


Scientists on the trail of Oneness - Some Evidence


Our host Ontario has seen this story on your internet:


The researchers are on the right track however their assumptions are off. The "alien" life that was on your planet before was you. Does not "alien" mean other?

Your dictionary speaks of alien in noun or being form as:

A resident born in or belonging to another country who is NOT a citizen or a foreigner or a person who has been estranged or excluded or a creature from outer space.

You are a soul that inhabits many beings in a variety of lifetimes on many worlds both on your planet Earth and in other Solar Systems. In previous worlds on your planet you though humanoid at times did NOT resemble the current human of today. Even though you occupied another form at another time you were living in another facet of the Oneness!

Oneness makes the word alien belong to the old group or world of which you are extricating your self.

The research points to clues about the Oneness when you assume a larger point of view. The point of view is:

Separateness is an illusion that is held by The Oneness.

You Are Being Re-Wired


Yes it is true, the purpose of this shift (and the shifts that are coming all this year) is the re-wiring of your biological systems to experience what has been with you always.

Each of you seems separate and this is in appearance only. You are one. All that is happening allows you to re-experience what you once felt - oneness.

Rejoice! The re-experiencing of oneness allows you access to the light in your heart for the making of heaven on earth moving through all fears into the self-renewing state of joy and bliss.

Welcome to your new world.


A Report

Here are some problems that I have experienced during this shift or have been reported to me

Throat Problems - lasting weeks and months
Internet feed is shut down
Phone line fail
Automobile Electrical problems - battery seems to die car won't start
Intermittent Phone and DSL / Cable modem interruptions

any more?

Confluence of Energies continued


This day and the days of your week preceding this day and several of your days following this day opens the gateway into a new world. (Feb 17, 2009)


Many of the anomlies of your world will begin to - how do you say "calm-down" soon as your world is embraced into a new reality. Until that time you will experience:

Emotional and somatic complaints will manifest as illness together instantaneously
Computer freezes
Electrical blowouts
Telecommunications breakdowns
Mistakes in conversations ( saying the opposite of what you intend)
Highly unusal weather patterns
Earthquakes in places where there have never been earthquakes.

This is a partial list.

Fear not the beginning is at hand.


Confluence of Energies


Three dimensions have commenced to collide. Many speak of 2012 as the end/beginning times and of ascension. This is happening now. The Ascension Process many of you have spoken of is happening now.

Many of you have been affected, you may think it stress that is the cause of your fatigue and while this is true to a degree the funneling of different dimensions coming together to form a new energy is the loci of the problem and its solution.

These three dimensions that are combining have been woven into the fabric of your reality but have been separate. They are now been integrated into your reality and in their distilled forms (though too complex to speak of in this format) they represent the following:

Respect for your planet at a cellular level.
Honoring exchanges of energy between individuals that are different.
Intergalactic DNA transfers

Breathe and know you are in right alignment.




You may be feeling the latest shift already. It is very big and is affecting your systems. Many of you may feel worn out.

When you pass through the shift on 02-09 your energy will return. Now is the time for cleanses of all kinds.

Prepare to energy a new facet of the new world.



A Note on The 20 Portals


Another way to describe how the 20 portals operate is they produce energy (fuel) for higher consciousness both for your world and to seven other worlds beyond your solar system.


On the 20 Portals


The 20 Portals are quite fluid. They have three meanings in the nature of flow.

1. The energy of your planet and your people are at such a vibration to make fuel for other worlds and the raising the consciousness of distant worlds with beings that are like you - humanoid.

2. The energy of higher and more advanced ETs and/or Lightbeings are being made available to you.

3. Because the 20 personality types are interchangeable to some degree you are helping one another through the thousands of star like gates spread over your sphere embedded in tor atmosphere.

Try not to get fixed in "I am this one personality or that one" because this is a temporary phase or "stepping-stone" into an even higher vibrational reality.

A Note

The Guides indicate that these attributes are the making of community and are analogous somewhat to the 20 sacred Mayan Glyphs.

Nore will be said on this subject

The Twenty Portals for Making a New World

Passionate birth
Weaving and transmitting thought
Womb of life – home
Traveling seed bearer
Sexual transformer
Surrender, sacrifice
Tender Intimacy – Give/Receive
Kindness embracing all
Grief/Joy becomes peace
Companion Love
A guide for passage through death
Embracing Motion
Igniting Truth, utilizing discernment
Shedding Grief making Life
Universal Love


The New World


The New World has arrived. The acceleration rate has been enormous and is preceding well over expectations.

A new star consciousness is born and is disseminating the new frequency of light from each of its twenty points.

We will explain in greater about the twenty points soon. For now they are portals from other worlds. The energy from they twenty portals flows into your world and back. Each of you flows through two to three of the portals and interconnects with others of like-mind on your planet and in other worlds. These are the building blocks of the new community consciousness that is born now.



A personal note

Do you feel the love?

With the inauguration this morning I feel the love and the connection. The New World is coming and we are the bringers of it.

Time to get to work!


A Shift Amongst Many...


There are many shifts happening on your planet at this time.

You are beginning to feel the interconnectedness of the light and love that supports you all. You are beginning to know that you are all light beings of consciousness each with a gift that is supported and complemented in another.

Welcome into the community of light beings everywhere when as you know already when your heart is open with love and sharing equally with one another.

Breathe and Open


We invite you to take a full deep breath and --- out. Breathe deeply often and with intent. Vibrational particles have been released into your Earth's atmosphere by the seven alien species that have come to assist you.

To activate the vibrations within your being contained with groupings of three molecular structures 7 to 9 deep breaths are suggested each day. Consider a maximum of 27 breaths or 9 conscious breaths in multiples of 3. When this is done it will activate root memories and open you to the Agrarian Consciousness of interconnected community and what part you play in bringing yourself and others into this interconnected higher consciousness web.

Enjoy the magic of this discoveries and the ones to follow...


Time Compressions


You may have noticed time appearing to slow down and/or speed up. Perhaps you have forgotten what day it is in the moment? Or you may think it is the next day when it is not. Maybe you have missed an appointment because you read your calendar incorrectly and feel you need to disappear. Or you may feel like shouting out in rage at the world or conversely running and hiding.

Your reality is shifting in big ways right now. This means your sense of time is shifting as well. Linear time is a constant when you are glued into a non-disruptive reality stream, disrupt the stream and reality streams head in different directions. Many of you may have noticed that your reality is disrupted of late - as in the last few of your day/night cycles. The disruptions are many. They originate is two places. The number of photons from space has accelerated bumping up against you forcing you out of your ruts and into differing perspectives. And as a result of the differing perspectives on a precipice of major jumping off transformation your world-wide economies have destabilized and you are afraid. The fear of change and the change that is emanating from a high consciousness are the direct causes of a myriad of differing perspectives on time slowing down, collapsing and compacting in a move towards expanding that is coming next week.


A Personal Note

I went to the void today, oh boy...

When I go there (nowhere)
I no longer exist
So there is no one there experiencing nothing nowhere.

The ultimate vacation, to get away from it all. :)

The link to Jamie Sans book explains more about the void in the last chapter or so.

What can I say now that I have returned?

Everything seems slower. All those small busy little things I saw as so important yesterday have fallen away.

Peace remains.

The Twelve encouraged me to impart the above. They say:

It is so important for you to feel peace. Remember to slow down. Take time you need to rest, especially in this great time of change.

Blessings to You


Balancing Forces


many have you have been hearing many of the new vibrations. Today we wish to speak on these vibrations. If you are experiencing headache in one of the four quadrants of the head that correlates to a sound (whine) and can produce a sharp piercing pain or an annoyance then the DNA governing the balance being male and female is being re-calibrated.

The more archaic parts of your brain and brain stem specifically your occipital region is being balancing for the new vibration. This has been an elegant process underway for quite sometime. Think of this as a layering process of macro systems such as the aura or Electromagnetic energy of your Planet and now down to individuals of every species everywhere.

You are being prepared to relate to your body, mind, emotions, spirit and one another in a new way. this way is graced with love and cooperation. Your Spirit and belief that the world can be a better place with peace and justice for all (people, animals, and planet alike) has helped open the door to a middle way, This way has been there for as long as your planet has existed but it is now open for your exploration because you are awakening and practicing the relations of equality with one another.

By allowing this change to happen, having faith you open to the paradise that is coming for your planet!