
The Oneness - commentary

Separateness is an illusion that is held by The Oneness.

What does this mean?

We all seem separate. I am here at my computer typing, no one is in the house. If if there were someone here the space between us would separate us.

When I go to the void and shed my ego and experience nothingness - I am only aware of this when I return and I feel purged of superfluous parts. This brings a peace beyond words. When I shed my ego and become one with Spirit I feel the bliss of union and upon return I feel marvelous. The only experience that transcends the human gestalt is Consciousness.

When my "I" dissolves and an awareness enters there is Oneness. Oneness is all there is.

We ordinarily operate from ego. When we shift our point of view to include a wider referent mainly the Oneness and that everything that exists is within the Oneness. Then separateness, love, fear, bliss, anger, and peace are all held in the Oneness. If consciousness is Oneness and it is our essence - our soul which transcends the physical body then are we not consciousness pretending we are separate to perform a task within the bigger set of Consciousness?

Separateness is an illusion from the bigger wider point of view of Oneness and I need my ego to talk about this to understand it outside of the context of the biggest set. In other words if we were all inside the Oneness and without ego or self we wouldn't need a conversation to talk about Oneness and separateness because we would be the Oneness.

Oneness is a paradox from our ego separatist point of view. Shedding ego to experience Oneness allows us to hold seperateness inside the Oneness and return to ego for sharing.