
Time and The Still Point


When humans "see" / experience still-point from an outside point-of-view the linear time line of past, present and future appears intact. However upon entering still-point time s you know it vanishes. Future and past cease to exist in the big smile of present time.

Still-point can still be experienced by your linear time based ego but this can feel disorienting. Present time is all that is and is similar to smiling always. All emotions can be felt ranging from positive to negative and these emotional states can be held in love and this creates big smiles and the wink of knowing. As soon as you desire to remain in this realm of the expanded present you will most likely leave because desire is an ego based anticipatory drive that creates attachment. Attachment creates illusion and ejects the ego back into linear-time based reality and out of still-point.

Our host can help you to access still-point.



More on Still-Point


Our host neglected to include in the explanation of still-point that it is juncture between two of your three centers (mind, emotion/heart, moving/physical) and your Higher Spiritual Self as it connects to all possibilities of the universe.

By cultivating still-point within you have the possibility of mastering your life and accessing greater light - including the nonattachment of enlightenment.


The Still Point

Revealed from the Twelve - translated by me (Ontario)

The Still-Point is the juncture between the void and everything. Almost every living being has a still-point and there are still-points that exist independently in space and may be the combination of the energies of 3 black holes.

Still-points are gateways to artificially created worm-holes which are used both as rapid travel from point A to C and for literal time travel. Time travel that does not use still-points creates alternate realities and disturbs the time sequencing RNA and some DNA strands. When RNA and DNA is knocked out of time the physical and psychological effects can be devastating allowing the body to phase out and in of the current space-time. Still-points allow worm holes to return the time traveller to the same reality and resets the RNA and DNA sequencing.

Still-points are also useful to balance consciousness, help create a neutral witness self and allow time travel through consciousness.

Purging the Old Part 3 - Resistance as Fuel


Today we wish to speak to you the value of resistance as a positive force in your transformation in this ascending process.

What is resistance?

When a current of electricity is conducted through a passage the laws of entropy governs the transformation of the current into heat. This is the basic definition of resistance. Two results happen when the current is initiated: one is the passage of the current and, two is the heat created by effect if the passage.

When you apply your braking system in your automobile - you stop your vehicle and heat is created by the friction wear of the brakes. In all transformations of energy where manifestation occurs resistance is present.

On the human scale resistance that is unexamined or unconscious becomes fuel for negative or fear based manifestations. When this happens the destruction of the patriarchal system is accelerated.

Once you begin to apply awareness to your actions and notice resistances in yourself you can begin to use the energy created in resistance to create deeper awareness which in-turn create the basis for both honoring your foundations while creating new molds for the pouring of a new foundation.

It is only when you clearly see the actions and resistances you make that a still-point can be discovered.

We will discuss the still-point again soon, or you may contact our host and in this way we may assist you in accessing your still-point.

