
A Report

Here are some problems that I have experienced during this shift or have been reported to me

Throat Problems - lasting weeks and months
Internet feed is shut down
Phone line fail
Automobile Electrical problems - battery seems to die car won't start
Intermittent Phone and DSL / Cable modem interruptions

any more?

Confluence of Energies continued


This day and the days of your week preceding this day and several of your days following this day opens the gateway into a new world. (Feb 17, 2009)


Many of the anomlies of your world will begin to - how do you say "calm-down" soon as your world is embraced into a new reality. Until that time you will experience:

Emotional and somatic complaints will manifest as illness together instantaneously
Computer freezes
Electrical blowouts
Telecommunications breakdowns
Mistakes in conversations ( saying the opposite of what you intend)
Highly unusal weather patterns
Earthquakes in places where there have never been earthquakes.

This is a partial list.

Fear not the beginning is at hand.


Confluence of Energies


Three dimensions have commenced to collide. Many speak of 2012 as the end/beginning times and of ascension. This is happening now. The Ascension Process many of you have spoken of is happening now.

Many of you have been affected, you may think it stress that is the cause of your fatigue and while this is true to a degree the funneling of different dimensions coming together to form a new energy is the loci of the problem and its solution.

These three dimensions that are combining have been woven into the fabric of your reality but have been separate. They are now been integrated into your reality and in their distilled forms (though too complex to speak of in this format) they represent the following:

Respect for your planet at a cellular level.
Honoring exchanges of energy between individuals that are different.
Intergalactic DNA transfers

Breathe and know you are in right alignment.