
On the 20 Portals


The 20 Portals are quite fluid. They have three meanings in the nature of flow.

1. The energy of your planet and your people are at such a vibration to make fuel for other worlds and the raising the consciousness of distant worlds with beings that are like you - humanoid.

2. The energy of higher and more advanced ETs and/or Lightbeings are being made available to you.

3. Because the 20 personality types are interchangeable to some degree you are helping one another through the thousands of star like gates spread over your sphere embedded in tor atmosphere.

Try not to get fixed in "I am this one personality or that one" because this is a temporary phase or "stepping-stone" into an even higher vibrational reality.

A Note

The Guides indicate that these attributes are the making of community and are analogous somewhat to the 20 sacred Mayan Glyphs.

Nore will be said on this subject

The Twenty Portals for Making a New World

Passionate birth
Weaving and transmitting thought
Womb of life – home
Traveling seed bearer
Sexual transformer
Surrender, sacrifice
Tender Intimacy – Give/Receive
Kindness embracing all
Grief/Joy becomes peace
Companion Love
A guide for passage through death
Embracing Motion
Igniting Truth, utilizing discernment
Shedding Grief making Life
Universal Love


The New World


The New World has arrived. The acceleration rate has been enormous and is preceding well over expectations.

A new star consciousness is born and is disseminating the new frequency of light from each of its twenty points.

We will explain in greater about the twenty points soon. For now they are portals from other worlds. The energy from they twenty portals flows into your world and back. Each of you flows through two to three of the portals and interconnects with others of like-mind on your planet and in other worlds. These are the building blocks of the new community consciousness that is born now.
