
More on The Purpose of The New DNA

Greetings to You,

Once you have transversed the gates or reception points where the ancient DNA (new to you) enter the return of the abilities your species once had will function in seamless ways. The way will be ready for couples to produce a new species of human. Your media through various fiction stories has begun to prepare you for the coming of the new species of human.

Not all of the new species will come in the form of new born infants. Many of you will incorporate these new traits into your being. There will be two forms of reception and activation of the DNA traits:

  • Spontaneous Breakthroughs
  • Gradual Openings via established Spiritual Practices
One of the new traits is related to community. Of the adults that receive activation of the DNA 3 of 12 will be links to networks of 6 individuals. The groups of 6 will be composed of 3 Connector Functions, 2 Healing Functions and 1 Bridger Function. The dynamic of 6 will allow cells of twelve to form and create a larger world-wide community of heart and mind. One out of 144 will act as a facilitator-channel to enable groups of 1200 or more to coordinate efforts to relieve suffering and balance the power of the world.

The 3 Connectors are link through the trinity force of the universe and provide dynamic activation through reception, direct action and compassionate neutrality. The 2 Healers of each group of 6 act to heal the group and to facilitate the group as a healing force in the world. The one Bridger can act as a connector or a healer and sometimes both at the same time. The unique position of the Bridger is inter and multi dimensional and will help stabilize and increase to power of the connection and relate the purpose of the group.


Sleep, Dreams and Extra Irritations


Many of you may be experiencing problems with sleep and unusual dreams. If this is the case then you may be experiencing the re-integration of ancient DNA that once was incorporated into your species during your 2nd world millennial ago. This DNA is being brought back into your auric field - the next stage is reintegration into the body. Those who are having a disruption in sleep, either not falling to sleep or awakening in the middle of your sleep for no known readily known reason this may be the cause. Old dreams of over crowding or push and shoving may indicate Aura DNA re-integration.

In some cases excessive irritation without known internal or external stimuli may indicate DNA re-entry.