
Dual Reality makes 3rd Force


Never fear a new shift is forming.

A twin trail of opposite forces have appeared and are transversing your reality to bring in the next layer of the new realities forming in preparation for Ascension. This is good news. This next phase will begin to support what has been heretofore an invisible force in your world. It is unseen because it is the absence of a force that creates what may seem like magic to you - in short the creation of the neutral witness observe.

The incorporation of universal DNA is about to be assimilated into your being. As this happens you will be able to clearly stand in the middle of oppositions and find peace and balance. New alliances and communities will spring up everywhere. These are exciting times for you.

Reach out to others all around you and begin sharing as you work from the neutral place. In late month March you will integrate the final new universal DNA and the April New Reality creating feelings of Oneness and telepathy in all that can handle the new forces.