
Many of you are already hearing the high frequency broadband pitch that is part of the big changes being evidenced on your planet. One need look at the ONENESS FACTOR that is available to you all. The USA economy as reflected by your Stock Market is readjusting itself to the wild optimism you previously experienced and through the ONENESS FACTOR is inter connected to all the other finance markets of the world. The broadband frequency that many of you are now hearing is a direct access to shift that open all to the Oneness of your species and provide an evolutionary leap through interconnectedness. This will NOT happen through your television, this will not happen through your Internet connection nor through your government.

Old and new DNA strands that have been preserved by the seven species of Extra-Terrestrials - your ancestors have returned to make them available to those that access the ONENESS FACTOR.

We will be speaking more on this topic soon.


I flew across the country yesterday (10/18) from North Carolina to California.

New codes of DNA - at the level of 15,000 feet are now covering the globe. The new evolutionary pattern is here.
I'm sure that as soon as I recover from jet-lag the Guides - The Twelve will have a report.
