
We have been talking to you about shifts.

What are these shifts?

One of the previous shifts - in 1992 changed your planet's vibration. The Vibration of the planet had previously supported a vertical structure of organization as in CEO, King, President, Father at the top and all that serve below. This was the vertical structure of several thousand years dating to times before Christ in your Western Calendars.

Beginning in 1992, the first time in 20,000 years, the energy changed to support a horizontal structure of organization. Many of you were opened as many as 4 to 5 years before that and certainly many more have opened since that time to the evolutionary possibilities.

The Shift in 1992 was major. The end date of the Mayan calendar and many dates before and after that time are shifts as well.

A stage of darkness is being completed as a way of expunging demons and shadows from you as an individual and as a planet - in short a period of purification and purging.

This help is a combination of support from various groups not native to your dimension nor your world. The Light that is building now and the consciousness that will assist you whether or not you surrender to it, is happening throughout your month of October. The energy will build to mid month and be sustained to assist you in transporting your consciousness into a Rebirth in Light in 45 days from now approximately.

Let your heart feel this hope and remember to let go of fear so that it is not your guide.
Light or Consciousness is ready to assist you.

-- The Twelve

[The 1992 Shift means the energy has changed. It's likely that Patriarchal Organizations will take many 100s or even 1000s of years to evolve into a horizontal organizational structure because the nature of real change takes a long time. As Pluto enters Capricorn - ruling structures, we can expect organizations to fall apart so that something new can take their place. With Global Warming at the forefront of our awareness we have an opportunity to begin to shape consciousness to look at the world in a partnership kind of way rather than in the old dominance model. - Ontario]