
Turning Points


The balance of your world is changing and there is no doubt that you are quite aware of this fact.

Many of you are concerned about your livelihood and this means your jobs. While your internet via electronics serve s to unite it also separates you from personal contact. Now is the time to breakthrough and reach out to friends and neighbors in your local community if you have not done so already.

We know that many of you have. For those that have not we invite you to meet with a neighbor or an old friend in your local area. For those of you who meet with others in your local area we encourage you to step out a step further and say hello to a stranger.

Some of you have called this radical friendliness. We invite you to do so because in the weeks and months ahead you can take solace in this community for love and support. It is a way to count your blessings and stretch yourself for another.

You are at a delicate juncture point in your history. The energy of relationship partnership and the binding energies of manifestation in relationship are with you now. The old structures of the BOSS telling you what to do are over, and you must make steps to say goodbye to the old way and bring in the new.

This is the way of love and community.


The Twelve.