
Reach Out with Love


Feel the Joy and Expand!

Reach out to those you love and forgive.
Call out and talk to your long lost friends.

Be the community of love.



More on New Reality Pockets


New Reality pockets having been forming. Many of you may have connected with these pockets. Each of the pockets of new reality connect to other pockets and have a connecting element, This element is the emotion love which engenders peace, receptivity and compassion.

To experience a new reality pocket you may choose to alter your current reality by radically changing your routine through a disruption. When experiencing the disruption do not let yourself automatically go to fear. Instead breathe and choose to raise your vibration by grounding and running energy to the center of the universe*.

Once you have grounded and run energy use an imaging metaphor of removing your raincoats (personas) of negativity, judgments and so on until you have changed your vibration to a positive or neutral.


Breathe in the peace and love that is already around you - your ego defines this so let your ego un-define peace and love as much as is possible.

Listen for the strands of feeling that is in your memory. See all those you have loved and lost. Re-connect to those that have touched your heart as long as in that reconnecting you do not hurt your heart in the process.

Dream and Vision based on this connection and co-create one pocket of the new reality with another. Look to the attributes of the twenty portals to assist you if you wish.


* See me, Ontario, for the Ascending Grounding Exercise if you don't already have it