
Old Stuff Up to Cleanse

Last week the New Love arrived to push up old stuff: old patterns, old injuries, old hurts, old illnesses, new twists on old illnesses were all brought to the fore as a result of the new energies of Love. The Twelve are indicating that they have more specifics to say here.

(See below)

The New Energies of Love


The New Energies of Love, both from the Universe and from your Planet are in the process of integrating fully in you. This brings with it new thought forms in seed-like packets filled with new DNA and the relational energies of community.

This New Matrix of Energy has pushed all that doesn't belong to it so that all of your dysfunction and illness etc has welled up for you to examine and let go. Do what you must to release it, blessing and thanking it for carrying you here.

Your journey is now towards the Light. Yes!
