It is no doubt that all of you have been feeling the shifts and the acceleration of events and situations in your ever-changing world.
[The Nine Chakras – In 1992 when the frequency of our Sun shifted two new chakras began developing in the human body in addition to the traditional seven. By 2001 these two new chakras have developed and are in use by many and theyare reaching a mature level.
The Birth Chakra – is two to three fingers above the naval and used to be part of the 2nd chakra. The second chakra is related to the energy centers or chi regulation within the body. The birth chakra has to do with giving birth. Because we are in the era as recorded in the Rig Veda as the Ascending Dwapara Yuga or the age of energy first manifestation second a more refined 2nd chakra is needed. The birth chakra has the ability to formulate reality in specific energy configurations and produce them, invisibly attracting and/or co-creating a person, event or a product to come into being based on the paradigm that has been here since 1992: the partnership paradigm. When we manifest something we think of what we want to do, give it some of our energy (via the birth chakra) and then making it or shaping it is not as difficult than it once was during the patriarchy or matriarchy. On a mundane level this chakra is about the body renewing itself (giving birth to) over and over again constantly replacing our cells, tissues and bones etc.
The Thymic Chakra – is one to three inches below the base of the throat. It is near the thymus and therefore is related to immune functions of the body and its corresponding esoteric function of Will. On a divine level this is our ability to surrender to Divine Will and allow it to flow through us in its unique way. On the mundane level this chakra is about self-will. One must develop a strong self-will in order to surrender it to the Divine. This chakra helps us to develop a relationship with Will and to help us know the difference between control and will.]
Some time ago we reported through this channel of the nature of the ascension process as it manifested with your Planet Earth as a whole. An Ascension Planet was created as an invisible Higher Vibrational Planet to which certain advanced peoples on your earth are choosing to go – such as what you call Aboriginals. The Ascension Planet was created and then skewed into a separate place and time than your physical earth. A transitional planet was birthed to function in two ways: as a stepping stone for a variety of species wishing to leave the physical earth plane (many spirits from trees and fish left, as well as some humans experiencing interim death*), secondly it was a way in which the ascension planet could be realigned in the same time and physical space of your planet, co-mingling with planet earth and yet in a higher dimension.
The Ascension Planet returned and now fills Earth’s body. The tree spirits have returned to revitalize trees and tree groups. The spirits of the fish and other species have returned but there are no bodies for them to dwell in so they wait in the middle regions of the Ascension Planet for their return to the physical. Since the time of the return your planet and the Ascension Planet have undergone many processes that will assist you to continue to survive in corporeal form and evolve.
Now something new is occurring that is of great significance.
The tenth chakra above your head is forming out of the three interface chakras [Now the Higher Self divides Spirit to feed the thought body, the love-emotion body and the vital or physical body through the three interface chakras above the head]. The formation of the tenth chakra is the transitioning agent governing the Higher Alignment of an Ascension Body that is forming in you and above you. When this is fully functional it will separate for some, as in go to the outer edges of the auric field of the human species, while in others it with return immediately. When your Ascension Body returns elements of the birth, second and root chakras will be blended in some unique ways. Also aspects of the Heart and Birth Chakras will unite. The Throat and Thymic Chakras will also unite and the tenth chakra will begin to blend with the Crown and Third Eye.
This may all sound rather technical.
It means that as a species you are preparing to evolve into a higher form of consciousness or a new species of human. Although 12/21/2012 has been given as a date when this will be happening – the appearance of the new species of human will begin in September of 2009. Births of 1/10 of your population world wide or 700 million babies will enter in full consciousness of the new species. Another 300 million of you will begin to operate in a Greater Awakened State pertaining to the leap to the new species of human beginning in mid 2010. However, all of you will have the opportunity to access the Ascension Body in your own bodies as much as you are able to allow it. This means being able to live in thought, will, emotion, energy, and physically in the expanded present moment. Those of you that choose to come from this place will help others to join you so that the possibility exists that you may transform your Earth into the paradise of your dreams with equal justice and economic freedoms for all that are in your collective memories.
The formation of The Tenth Chakra gives access to The Oneness Factor that has allowed you to elect a leader whose vibration is the first stepping-stone to this paradise. Many of you may be feeling or hearing the formation of the Tenth Chakra as its vibrations are individually and collectively audible.
We will elucidate the functions of the Tenth Chakra soon.
*Interim death is the passing of the spirit out of consciousness to return as a walk-in or into a new baby with its consciousness from the previous existence completely intact.
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