
Combining The Two Waveforms of Love

I have felt the new love. Its great.

Simply put one form of Love is the vibrational changes on the planet or in short the ascension process. The second form of love comes from the galaxy at large. The combination of these two forms is the new partnership culture in the making.

We provide the key for integrating and interpreting the new relational energy.

First begin with a grounding and running energy through your nine chakras.

Activate your third eye, second chakra and heart chakra. Blend the energy of your third eye with your heart chakra. Blend the energy of your second chakra with your heart chakra.

Through your breath allow your heart chakra to open the the new elements of love in the air, the clouds and mountains with the in-breath. And then breath out. Then on your next in-breath allow the new elements of love from Earth to flow through your heart and then breath out. Alternate each energy nine times and then the tenth breath breath both in at the same time.

Experiencing the New Love


You have by now begun to experience the power the the love of Earth combining with the Greater Love emanating from your galaxy.

With the combination of these two new kinds of love in relationship you can begin to integrate their matrices into your corporeal bodies.

We have given our host, Ontario a method to assist you with this.
