After you feel overwhelmed, then what?
After you feel panicked, then what?
If you breakdown dive down willingly. Overwhelm, panic and breakdown often strike fear into you. It is the fear that makes overwhelm lead to panic and breakdown.
Perhaps there could be a different route when you feel overwhelmed.
In your culture this is called Cognitive Restructuring. By making a Thinking Map of your situation allowing for many unexpected turns of events and then intending that I will be resplendent and marvelous no matter what happens -then overwhelm can be taken in stride.
Imagine a box or a circle. Picture your life embodied beginning on one side of the object and the death of your body on another side. You will suffer during the course of your travels in the box or the circle and in life as well. The purpose of your life is not suffering, but it is consciousnesses. Consciousness includes overwhelm, love, joy, light, suffering and the transmutation of suffering into energy for higher levels of awareness.
When you can see the limits of your body and your consciousness within your ego and body and accept these limitations then it is possible to leap beyond them. This is the paradox of your life.
In the past few days as Ontario has noted yesterday about the many vortexes. We are here to tell you that giant balls of light are in our atmosphere and that they are here to assist you in expanding your consciousness. You may feel overwhelmed by this light at first. If you feel fear and panic tell yourself to let this go and THINK of the larger picture of your life. Allow the largess of consciousness to be your safety.
Ingest the light and let it pass through you provide new connections as you relax into these varieties of light in each of the many billions of balls of light. Relax and breathe.
Know that you are resplendent* and wonderful beings in the light and seeing beyond the veil of the coarse dense matter you ordinarily call your life!
--The Twelve
*resplendent means bright or overflowing with joyous light
From Ontario on Vortex Energies
On the way here I passed through thousands (maybe millions) of vortices in the sky and the ground. All of my totem animals appeared throughout the day and into the night. My friend in Asheville. NC was experiencing many vortices as well.
I'm sure The Twelve will be sending me messages about it that I will pass on to you.
The Light Oct 10 to 17th
At this point many of you will have spiritual awakenings.
-The Twelve
NOTE - I WILL BE AWAY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE FROM 10/1 TO 10/12. FROM 10/13 TO 10/17 I WILL BE IN ASHEVILLE, NC and may not have as much contact with you. I will be home in California on 10/18
- Ontario
Many of you are concerned about the energy of the old way - namely money.
You must do what you must regarding these issues.
As the Great Light shines it reveals what was unseen so that you can make corrections on your path both individually and collectively.
Relax your body and let the energy flow. Let yourself be patient, with the Great Light there are reactions in the dark. Fear is a reaction from the dark. Make a safe place for yourself by breathing, release the fears and move into the news ways of the Light!!!
The Twelve
[For more about The Twelve and my work see http://www.thekai.com ]
What are these shifts?
One of the previous shifts - in 1992 changed your planet's vibration. The Vibration of the planet had previously supported a vertical structure of organization as in CEO, King, President, Father at the top and all that serve below. This was the vertical structure of several thousand years dating to times before Christ in your Western Calendars.
Beginning in 1992, the first time in 20,000 years, the energy changed to support a horizontal structure of organization. Many of you were opened as many as 4 to 5 years before that and certainly many more have opened since that time to the evolutionary possibilities.
The Shift in 1992 was major. The end date of the Mayan calendar and many dates before and after that time are shifts as well.
A stage of darkness is being completed as a way of expunging demons and shadows from you as an individual and as a planet - in short a period of purification and purging.
This help is a combination of support from various groups not native to your dimension nor your world. The Light that is building now and the consciousness that will assist you whether or not you surrender to it, is happening throughout your month of October. The energy will build to mid month and be sustained to assist you in transporting your consciousness into a Rebirth in Light in 45 days from now approximately.
Let your heart feel this hope and remember to let go of fear so that it is not your guide.
Light or Consciousness is ready to assist you.
-- The Twelve
[The 1992 Shift means the energy has changed. It's likely that Patriarchal Organizations will take many 100s or even 1000s of years to evolve into a horizontal organizational structure because the nature of real change takes a long time. As Pluto enters Capricorn - ruling structures, we can expect organizations to fall apart so that something new can take their place. With Global Warming at the forefront of our awareness we have an opportunity to begin to shape consciousness to look at the world in a partnership kind of way rather than in the old dominance model. - Ontario]
The spread of wings is often associated with freedom. As you open to the Light of Consciousness where thought and emotion are blended as supported by your corporeal form (physical body) your intuitive consciousness spreads out in the four directions, perception is heightened and buoyed by the many shifts.
Spread the wings of your consciousness and allow yourself to feel what your print, internet, radio and television mediated communications are grasping at but cannot tell you. Feel the hope. See the hope. Make what you see be real and you will see the power of consciousness at work to manifest the next stage of a new reality.
The Twelve
You are starting to pop out into the new world. This may last for a few moments to a few minutes. In these moments you may feel clear, joyous and wonderfully alive. It's happening. Rejoice in this Light which is Love!
- The Twelve
Previous Entries 9.23 - 27
Now is the time to rejoice for the shift in light that is coming. Remain conscious to assist those in darkness to feel safe and ready to move out of their comfort zone into greater consciousness. Whenever your culture encounters greater frequencies of light there is a collapse into the bliss of this light amongst those that recognize and accept it. Then many of you that experience this light automatically take it into the glory of ego. This is not wrong, but much work remains to sustain the light and bring it to those in need by the quality of your service in whatever arena is in the realm of your talents and skills.
The frequency of the light is beginning to change now and many of you feel this in your hearts. The peak of the changes begin on in three of your weeks.
[My impression of exact timing of this begins around 10/13 and ends in a sustained new light on 10/17 - Ontario]
Greetings. Breathe and feel yourself filled with air and light. You are transforming one kind of light into a kind of light that flows through your body carried by your blood, lymph and other bodily fluids. The Light within you is coarser than the light that surrounds you. The Light within you creates energy that is available to you when you connect with your breath in your heart chakra.
Your heart chakra is located on your sternum just above the opening where your rib cage comes together it is associated with your heart muscle and your breath. The Light you breath in and transform into the different kind of Light is LOVE. The muscle of the heart is also the brain of emotion based on Love. By breathing and focusing consciously on your heart chakra you create love.
Feel this love that you create as you breathe. It feels good. Let yourself spread this love made from your heart chakra throughout your body until it surrounds you. Let it expand from in to further out until it spreads throughout the world. It feels so good, does it not?
When Love surrounds fear, hurt, anger and emotions of isolation healing can occur both physically, mental, emotionally and spiritual. Let the love flow out of you and watch it work.
We have instructed Ontario and often channel healing energies through him. Now through Our insistence he has created a vehicle so that We May Give you messages that are needed at this time for you on your Planet Earth.
Many changes are happening in your world. You may feel extraordinarily lacking in energy, you may be worried about your job or income or you may feel off-center. Given the unique circumstances of transformation energy that is being funneled through your bodies it is no wonder that you are being pulled off center.
Work to bring the chakra below your heart back into your body. Intend this to be so and you will begin to self-correct amidst the chaos of emotions and change all around you. Center your selves in the centers of your physical bodies and feel the peace and equilibrium return.
You are needed to bring the light and anchor it on your world. Let us begin...