NOTE: According to astrologer Jeffery Wolf Green - the information came to me via one of his students. During the transition from the matriarchy to the patriarchy all those that were incarnate at that particular time had the same Uranus nodal configuration as those born from 1930 to the present. In other words we were all alive assisting the transition from the matriarchy to the patriarchy.
Now we are helping with the transition of the patriarchy to the partnership paradigm
The Love from the previous world - the fourth world (the mother realm) is now available for healing of your fifth world that you view as the out of control father - simplified for this communique.
In this in-between time where you have not clearly defined the new energies that exisit all around you dimensions are being rewoven. Humans as a species are calling out from the heart for a new order of being and relating in your world. This new order is far from being recognizable as institutions that can be recognized.
The Love that is emerging from the matriarchy is available for healing your past both as individuals and as a people in the effect the patriarchy. As you consciously feel the Love and utilize for your healing visions of the new relational world.