
Groundswell of Love and Oneness


The frequency inside your planet Earth is now in the process of matching the outside frequency. As this happens a new membrane is opening so that your planet is literally entering a rarefied space. This is the space where the DNA sequencing will begin to join the current DNA strands in your bodies. This in turn will begin to produce evolotionary leaps within your species.

Women who are pregnant with child will be carrying a new species of human and will produce evolutionary advanced beings. And there are those amongst you now that are receiving the new gene that will enable you to begin to communicate with many sentient beings outside your solar system and galaxy.

Some of you will receive "seemingly" miraculous healings of diseases that were heretofore incurable. Some cancers will disappear and some autoimmune diseases will as you say - go into remission. (laughter) This will be a healing.
