Greetings All,
A new reality is emerging in the midst of the dualistic balancing act your planet is undergoing. And while new realities continue to emerge and blossom this new one that has been taking shape in the last 24 hours (day) or so is one in which you can utilize the energies of to make economic opportunities open for you - perhaps.
There is much fear on your planet as a reaction to the varieties of collapses that have already occurred. For the gross manifestations of the new reality to appear and take root the old reality must be swept clean and clear. This as you are quite well aware is happening. For those of you who are working look and think about others in your community connection in threes, fives, sevens, nines, elevens, twelves and thirteens and forming new community connections. For those of you without a job or work. make yourself available in random ways in addition to the avenues where you are already seeking work so that you may be apart of the 3-5-7-9-11-12-13 and the 15-17-18-19-21-22s.
By imagining numbers of persons coming together to talk about and take action for new work opportunities both directly and visualized above then the new reality will begin to take root.