You may have noticed time appearing to slow down and/or speed up. Perhaps you have forgotten what day it is in the moment? Or you may think it is the next day when it is not. Maybe you have missed an appointment because you read your calendar incorrectly and feel you need to disappear. Or you may feel like shouting out in rage at the world or conversely running and hiding.
Your reality is shifting in big ways right now. This means your sense of time is shifting as well. Linear time is a constant when you are glued into a non-disruptive reality stream, disrupt the stream and reality streams head in different directions. Many of you may have noticed that your reality is disrupted of late - as in the last few of your day/night cycles. The disruptions are many. They originate is two places. The number of photons from space has accelerated bumping up against you forcing you out of your ruts and into differing perspectives. And as a result of the differing perspectives on a precipice of major jumping off transformation your world-wide economies have destabilized and you are afraid. The fear of change and the change that is emanating from a high consciousness are the direct causes of a myriad of differing perspectives on time slowing down, collapsing and compacting in a move towards expanding that is coming next week.