
Remember to breathe! Let your breath bring you back to center.

After you feel overwhelmed, then what?

After you feel panicked, then what?

If you breakdown dive down willingly. Overwhelm, panic and breakdown often strike fear into you. It is the fear that makes overwhelm lead to panic and breakdown.

Perhaps there could be a different route when you feel overwhelmed.

In your culture this is called Cognitive Restructuring. By making a Thinking Map of your situation allowing for many unexpected turns of events and then intending that I will be resplendent and marvelous no matter what happens -then overwhelm can be taken in stride.

Imagine a box or a circle. Picture your life embodied beginning on one side of the object and the death of your body on another side. You will suffer during the course of your travels in the box or the circle and in life as well. The purpose of your life is not suffering, but it is consciousnesses. Consciousness includes overwhelm, love, joy, light, suffering and the transmutation of suffering into energy for higher levels of awareness.

When you can see the limits of your body and your consciousness within your ego and body and accept these limitations then it is possible to leap beyond them. This is the paradox of your life.

In the past few days as Ontario has noted yesterday about the many vortexes. We are here to tell you that giant balls of light are in our atmosphere and that they are here to assist you in expanding your consciousness. You may feel overwhelmed by this light at first. If you feel fear and panic tell yourself to let this go and THINK of the larger picture of your life. Allow the largess of consciousness to be your safety.

Ingest the light and let it pass through you provide new connections as you relax into these varieties of light in each of the many billions of balls of light. Relax and breathe.

Know that you are resplendent* and wonderful beings in the light and seeing beyond the veil of the coarse dense matter you ordinarily call your life!

--The Twelve

resplendent means bright or overflowing with joyous light
